Scared That You’ll Get Covid-19? Try These 3 Ways To Get Your Surroundings Virus Free!

Audrey Barton
3 min readSep 28, 2020


How does one stay free of Covid-19? The answer is pretty obvious — wash and sanitize your hands regularly, practice social distancing, and wear a mask when in public.

Is that really the way?

There have been hundreds of cases where people were doing everything right but still came down with the virus! How does that happen? How does someone who is doing everything according to WHO guidelines get infected?

The answer — their surroundings.

Many people have found themselves unknowingly predisposed to the virus because their surroundings are not as clean as they think it is.

They might have cleaned with potent disinfectants and washed everything in their house from the attic to the basement, but there are some levels of clean that the average person cannot achieve. So what is the solution? The solution is to find a cleaning and sanitizing service to get the job done!

Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash

If you want to have the best clean, the following 3 steps will help you select the best service for you!

  • Examine Customer Reviews

Customer reviews tell a thousand tales. If you want to know if the service is right for you, other customers will let you know how well they operate. It’s highly likely that they’ll give you the same type of service that they’ve given their old customers. Additionally, reviews allow you to gauge how professional they are in their business dealings which could be a deal-breaker or maker for you.

  • Check for CDC cleaning compliance

The CDC has released guidelines on how janitorial services should be carried out. If you want to know what those guidelines are, you can visit their website. A cleaning service’s compliance with these guidelines is an indication of whether or not they will give you the type of clean that will keep you safe!

  • They offer a free inspection

Covid-19 has taken jobs away from many people. The last thing anyone wants is to pay additional costs. The service you choose should understand this and be willing to offer free quotes and inspections before cleaning your surroundings.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

If you reside in Lexington, Kentucky, it might be hard for you to utilize these 3 steps and find a suitable cleaning service. Luckily, Sparkling Clean has updated its services to meet the needs of residents in the area. They check all the boxes and have been in the community for over 17 years! They are a really good choice if you want to skip the process of searching and get the clean that will keep you safe!

